Saturday, July 24, 2010

Indonesia 5 Large Producing Countries in the World Virus

Indonesia not only as a country with internet users in the world is big enough. But Indonesia also signed five major virus-producing country in the world. Wow!

The fact is disclosed by Erwin Yovitanto, Product Manager Astrindo Starvision - Kaspersky Distributor for Indonesia when talking with the Palm d', Bandung, Friday (23/07/2010) evening.

"Indonesia has signed five major virus-producing country in the world," he said.

This fact is not really surprising. Section, the data released by the Ministry of Communications and Information (Communications and Informatics), the number of Internet users in Indonesia has reached 45 million.

"Yes, because internet users in Indonesia is quite large, the fair if the amount of virus produced is also large," he said.

Even so, he continued, the type of virus that was made by Indonesia does not include a malignant virus. Most of the viruses made in Indonesia only display messages or hide certain files. Not a virus that can be damaging.

"Ngga damage. More to the fad alone. Trying to make a virus. Indeed many kinds. But the average show only those words or certain messages or even hidden files. Yes, the only trouble was. No harm, "he said.

Predicate holds as one of the many countries that make the virus, Indonesia became countries targeted cyber attacks. Data owned by Kaspersky, Indonesia in the first quarter of 2010 ranked 20 countries which become the target of cyber criminals. Same period in the year before, Indonesia has not entered into 20 large. The data is based on an analysis of

"In ASEAN, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines has always been a target of attack. Indonesia has recently entered the top 20. The countries most frequently targeted are China, Russia, India and the United States," he explained.